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Floor Cleaning service in Kathmandu 9851332772 Professional

8 months ago Services Kathmandu   76 views


  • floor-cleaning-service-in-kathmandu-9851332772-big-0
Location: Kathmandu
Price: ₨15 Negotiable

मार्बल,सोफा,कार्पेट क्लिनिङ सेर्भिस मा १०% छुट!!????

मौका को फाइदा उठाउँनु आजै सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस..

???? 9851332772 /9762796628

We are one of the best and professional cleaning services in Kathmandu. ✨We have trained and skilled manpower who have expertise of handling latest cleaning equipment and knowledge of modern cleaning techniques. ????contact us to know more about our services.????

Here is our list of services we provide:

✅ Carpet cleaning service 

✅ Sofa cleaning service

✅ Marble grinding and polishing service

✅ Parquet polishing service

✅ Window glasses cleaning services

✅ Water tank cleaning services and many more...

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