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For LG audio system repair in Kathmandu, Lalitpur, and Bhaktapur-Technicalsewa Professional

8 months ago Services Lalitpur   80 views


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Location: Lalitpur
Price: ₨350

At Technicalsewa, we're your go-to experts for LG audio system repair in Kathmandu, Lalitpur, and Bhaktapur. With a rich history spanning 23 years, we've honed our skills to perfection. Our seasoned technicians are well-versed in troubleshooting and fixing a wide array of issues that may plague your LG audio system, be it a malfunctioning speaker, a faulty amplifier, or connectivity issues. We take pride in our workmanship and offer a solid 1-year warranty on all repairs, ensuring your satisfaction and peace of mind. Reach out to us today at 9851201580, 9802074555, or 5970066, or drop us an email at technicalsewa.np@gmail.com to book your LG audio system repair service. For more details, visit our website at technicalsewa.com.